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Thank you for your interest in an account. These accounts provide access to a variety of services, intended to help those in the government community. Abilities include:

  • Software downloads, both of GOSS-only distributions, as well as the public open-source distributions available on GitHub
  • Visibility to source for those downloads, including any patches made available by the community
  • Feature and bug repository visibility, both for older release items, as well as new capabilities
  • Ability to submit patches (bug fixes, new features)
  • Training materials

To grant your account access, we need to be able to confirm your affiliation with a government project. To do so, we need the following information:

  • Name
  • Company
  • Corporate (or gov.) email address
  • Agency
  • Program or project within that agency
  • Citizenship (U.S. or other)

To request an account, use the Account Request Form. The form's information will be emailed to the GOSS Team, who will work to either clarify your information or create your account within 48 hours. If you have submitted an account request and have not heard a response, please contact . If you are unable to complete the information in the form, but would like a team member to contact you to clarify, please include your contact information in the form.

You may feel free to distribute this information to other members of your team: please send them to this site to submit their account requests.

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